
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Naples Pier; Tourists at Sunset

When you visit the pier to see the sunset in Naples during the height of tourist season, you are usually surrounded by dozens of visitors who are determined to capture this moment for their scrapbooks and albums. As the sun sinks, the people huddle into their family groups and snap one picture after another, until the moment that the sun disappears, when everyone applauds. This has been going on for at least the thirty years that I have been in Naples to see the winter and spring sunsets. Unfortunately, this particular sunset wasn't too compelling as far as Gulf sunsets go, but it was interesting to be there and to try my hand at a 360 degree pano. Another lesson learned...make sure to include more in the top and bottom than you need, because the warping that you have to do when stitching the photos together steals photo real estate from the top and bottom...which is why the people are mostly in the image from the neck up!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Naples FL Beach Club

Faced with one of those clear sky boring sunsets? Go 360!